Super Mario War ALPHA

The core gameplay works already (but still has bugs), so I was thinking about an open alpha testing.
Since it's far from complete, I would like to ask only developers and brave souls to try it (seriously).

The main goals are:
- test that the game works on various platforms
- test if there's significant lag
- test if there are game-crashing bugs
- test if it's more fun than poking a monkey with a stick

I'd prefer:
- video recordings of the gameplay, the best would be to see all player's screen
- on crashes, detailed description (or a core dump) on what happened

Right now,
- the game is playable (yes, really!)
- sometimes stuff become out of sync
- the multiplayer menu is incomplete and full of placeholders, but can launch a simple game

If you're interested, I'm usually available on IRC, mostly afternoon (GMT+2).

To get the latest Windows version:

a) Build it yourself (recommended): source

b) Use one of the AppVeyor builds (may not work)

To get the latest Linux/*nix version:

About the lobby server

The smw-server is a mathchmaking/lobby server, its only task is to manage game rooms. Since the game has no direct connect mode yet, you'll need to join to a lobby server first. Note that no gameplay data goes through the lobby server, and a lobby server can host multiple rooms and can handle many players. To allow connection to a lobby server, you have to properly set up your ports (see Tech info). THIS IS IMPORTANT. Then, you can join by adding the IP

Technical information

SMW and smw-server uses UDP ports 12521-12522. These ports have to be open on (forwarded to) the machine running smw-server, but should be not necessary for "regular" players.